top level domains in sw format

Just another brief one. Decided it would be useful to have top level domain info in sw format.

Simply enough:
sa: load top-level-domains.sw
sa: table[country,top-level-domain] ket-sort rel-kets[top-level-domain] |>
| country                                      | top-level-domain |
| (Former) Soviet Union                        | su               |
| Afghanistan                                  | af               |
| Air-transport                                | aero             |
| Aland                                        | ax               |
| Albania                                      | al               |
| Algeria                                      | dz               |
| American Samoa                               | as               |
| Andorra                                      | ad               |
| Angola                                       | ao               |
| Anguilla                                     | ai               |
| Antarctica                                   | aq               |
| Antigua and Barbuda                          | ag               |
| Argentina                                    | ar               |
| Armenia                                      | am               |
| Aruba                                        | aw               |
| Ascension Island                             | ac               |
| Asia-Pacific community                       | asia             |
| Australia                                    | au               |
| Austria                                      | at               |
| Azerbaijan                                   | az               |
| Bahamas                                      | bs               |
| Bahrain                                      | bh               |
| Bangladesh                                   | bd               |
| Barbados                                     | bb               |
| Belarus                                      | by               |
| Belgium                                      | be               |
| Belize                                       | bz               |
| Benin                                        | bj               |
| Bermuda                                      | bm               |
| Bhutan                                       | bt               |
| Bolivia                                      | bo               |
| Bosnia and Herzegovina                       | ba               |
| Botswana                                     | bw               |
| Bouvet Island                                | bv               |
| Brazil                                       | br               |
| British Indian Ocean Territory               | io               |
| Brunei Darussalam                            | bn               |
| Bulgaria                                     | bg               |
| Burkina Faso                                 | bf               |
| Burundi                                      | bi               |
| Business                                     | biz              |
| Cambodia                                     | kh               |
| Cameroon                                     | cm               |
| Canada                                       | ca               |
| Cap Verde                                    | cv               |
| Catalan community                            | cat              |
| Cayman Islands                               | ky               |
| Central African Republic                     | cf               |
| Chad                                         | td               |
| Chile                                        | cl               |
| China                                        | cn               |
| Christmas Island                             | cx               |
| Cocos (Keeling) Islands                      | cc               |
| Colombia                                     | co               |
| Comoros                                      | km               |
| Cook Islands                                 | ck               |
| Cooperative association                      | coop             |
| Costa Rica                                   | cr               |
| Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)                  | ci               |
| Credentialed professional                    | pro              |
| Croatia/Hrvatska                             | hr               |
| Cuba                                         | cu               |
| Cyprus                                       | cy               |
| Czech Republic                               | cz               |
| Democratic People's Republic Korea           | kp               |
| Democratic Republic of the Congo             | cg               |
| Denmark                                      | dk               |
| Djibouti                                     | dj               |
| Dominica                                     | dm               |
| Dominican Republic                           | do               |
| East Timor                                   | tp               |
| Ecuador                                      | ec               |
| Egypt                                        | eg               |
| El Salvador                                  | sv               |
| Equatorial Guinea                            | gq               |
| Eritrea                                      | er               |
| Estonia                                      | ee               |
| Ethiopia                                     | et               |
| European Union                               | eu               |
| Falkland Islands (Malvina)                   | fk               |
| Faroe Islands                                | fo               |
| Federal State of Micronesia                  | fm               |
| Fiji                                         | fj               |
| Finland                                      | fi               |
| Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia           | mk               |
| Former Yugoslavia                            | yu               |
| France                                       | fr               |
| French Guiana                                | gf               |
| French Polynesia                             | pf               |
| French Southern Territories                  | tf               |
| Gabon                                        | ga               |
| Gambia                                       | gm               |
| Georgia                                      | ge               |
| Germany                                      | de               |
| Ghana                                        | gh               |
| Gibraltar                                    | gi               |
| Greece                                       | gr               |
| Greenland                                    | gl               |
| Grenada                                      | gd               |
| Guadeloupe                                   | gp               |
| Guam                                         | gu               |
| Guatemala                                    | gt               |
| Guernsey                                     | gg               |
| Guinea                                       | gn               |
| Guinea-Bissau                                | gw               |
| Guyana                                       | gy               |
| Haiti                                        | ht               |
| Heard and McDonald Islands                   | hm               |
| Holy See (City Vatican State)                | va               |
| Honduras                                     | hn               |
| Hong Kong                                    | hk               |
| Human resource manager                       | jobs             |
| Hungary                                      | hu               |
| Iceland                                      | is               |
| India                                        | in               |
| Individual                                   | name             |
| Indonesia                                    | id               |
| Information                                  | info             |
| International                                | int              |
| Iraq                                         | iq               |
| Ireland                                      | ie               |
| Islamic Republic of Iran                     | ir               |
| Isle of Man                                  | im               |
| Israel                                       | il               |
| Italy                                        | it               |
| Jamaica                                      | jm               |
| Japan                                        | jp               |
| Jersey                                       | je               |
| Jordan                                       | jo               |
| Kazakhstan                                   | kz               |
| Kenya                                        | ke               |
| Kiribati                                     | ki               |
| Kuwait                                       | kw               |
| Kyrgyzstan                                   | kg               |
| Lao People's Democratic Republic             | la               |
| Latvia                                       | lv               |
| Lebanon                                      | lb               |
| Lesotho                                      | ls               |
| Liberia                                      | lr               |
| Libyan Arab Jamahiriya                       | ly               |
| Liechtenstein                                | li               |
| Lithuania                                    | lt               |
| Luxembourg                                   | lu               |
| Macau                                        | mo               |
| Madagascar                                   | mg               |
| Malawi                                       | mw               |
| Malaysia                                     | my               |
| Maldives                                     | mv               |
| Mali                                         | ml               |
| Malta                                        | mt               |
| Marshall Islands                             | mh               |
| Martinique                                   | mq               |
| Mauritania                                   | mr               |
| Mauritius                                    | mu               |
| Mayotte                                      | yt               |
| Mexico                                       | mx               |
| Mobile provider                              | mobi             |
| Monaco                                       | mc               |
| Mongolia                                     | mn               |
| Montenegro                                   | me               |
| Montserrat                                   | ms               |
| Morocco                                      | ma               |
| Mozambique                                   | mz               |
| Museum                                       | museum           |
| Myanmar                                      | mm               |
| Namibia                                      | na               |
| Nato field                                   | nato             |
| Nauru                                        | nr               |
| Nepal                                        | np               |
| Netherlands                                  | nl               |
| Netherlands Antilles                         | an               |
| Network provider                             | net              |
| New Caledonia                                | nc               |
| New Zealand (Aotearoa)                       | nz               |
| Nicaragua                                    | ni               |
| Niger                                        | ne               |
| Nigeria                                      | ng               |
| Niue                                         | nu               |
| Non-Profit Organization                      | org              |
| Norfolk Island                               | nf               |
| Northern Mariana Islands                     | mp               |
| Norway                                       | no               |
| Old style Arpanet                            | arpa             |
| Oman                                         | om               |
| Pakistan                                     | pk               |
| Palau                                        | pw               |
| Palestinian Territories                      | ps               |
| Panama                                       | pa               |
| Papua New Guinea                             | pg               |
| Paraguay                                     | py               |
| Peru                                         | pe               |
| Philippines                                  | ph               |
| Pitcairn Island                              | pn               |
| Poland                                       | pl               |
| Portugal                                     | pt               |
| Puerto Rico                                  | pr               |
| Qatar                                        | qa               |
| Republic of Korea                            | kr               |
| Republic of Moldova                          | md               |
| Reunion Island                               | re               |
| Romania                                      | ro               |
| Russian Federation                           | ru               |
| Rwanda                                       | rw               |
| Saint Kitts and Nevis                        | kn               |
| Saint Lucia                                  | lc               |
| Saint Vincent and the Grenadines             | vc               |
| San Marino                                   | sm               |
| Sao Tome and Principe                        | st               |
| Saudi Arabia                                 | sa               |
| Senegal                                      | sn               |
| Serbia                                       | rs               |
| Seychelles                                   | sc               |
| Sierra Leone                                 | sl               |
| Singapore                                    | sg               |
| Slovak Republic                              | sk               |
| Slovenia                                     | si               |
| Solomon Islands                              | sb               |
| Somalia                                      | so               |
| South Africa                                 | za               |
| South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | gs               |
| Spain                                        | es               |
| Sri Lanka                                    | lk               |
| St. Helena                                   | sh               |
| St. Pierre and Miquelon                      | pm               |
| Sudan                                        | sd               |
| Suriname                                     | sr               |
| Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands               | sj               |
| Swaziland                                    | sz               |
| Sweden                                       | se               |
| Switzerland                                  | ch               |
| Syrian Arab Republic                         | sy               |
| Taiwan                                       | tw               |
| Tajikistan                                   | tj               |
| Tanzania                                     | tz               |
| Telephone service                            | tel              |
| Thailand                                     | th               |
| Togo                                         | tg               |
| Tokelau                                      | tk               |
| Tonga                                        | to               |
| Travel agent                                 | travel           |
| Trinidad and Tobago                          | tt               |
| Tunisia                                      | tn               |
| Turkey                                       | tr               |
| Turkmenistan                                 | tm               |
| Turks and Caicos Islands                     | tc               |
| Tuvalu                                       | tv               |
| Uganda                                       | ug               |
| Ukraine                                      | ua               |
| United Arab Emirates                         | ae               |
| United Kingdom                               | uk               |
| United States                                | us               |
| Uruguay                                      | uy               |
| US Commercial                                | com              |
| US Educational                               | edu              |
| US Government                                | gov              |
| US Military                                  | mil              |
| US Minor Outlying Islands                    | um               |
| Uzbekistan                                   | uz               |
| Vanuatu                                      | vu               |
| Venezuela                                    | ve               |
| Vietnam                                      | vn               |
| Virgin Islands (British)                     | vg               |
| Virgin Islands (USA)                         | vi               |
| Wallis and Futuna Islands                    | wf               |
| Western Sahara                               | eh               |
| Western Samoa                                | ws               |
| Yemen                                        | ye               |
| Zambia                                       | zm               |
| Zimbabwe                                     | zw               |
And a brief note that there are all top level domains in there, not just those for countries.

And may as well do it once more, this time sorted by top level domain:
sa: table[country,top-level-domain] sort-by[top-level-domain] rel-kets[top-level-domain] |>
| country                                      | top-level-domain |
| Ascension Island                             | ac               |
| Andorra                                      | ad               |
| United Arab Emirates                         | ae               |
| Air-transport                                | aero             |
| Afghanistan                                  | af               |
| Antigua and Barbuda                          | ag               |
| Anguilla                                     | ai               |
| Albania                                      | al               |
| Armenia                                      | am               |
| Netherlands Antilles                         | an               |
| Angola                                       | ao               |
| Antarctica                                   | aq               |
| Argentina                                    | ar               |
| Old style Arpanet                            | arpa             |
| American Samoa                               | as               |
| Asia-Pacific community                       | asia             |
| Austria                                      | at               |
| Australia                                    | au               |
| Aruba                                        | aw               |
| Aland                                        | ax               |
| Azerbaijan                                   | az               |
| Bosnia and Herzegovina                       | ba               |
| Barbados                                     | bb               |
| Bangladesh                                   | bd               |
| Belgium                                      | be               |
| Burkina Faso                                 | bf               |
| Bulgaria                                     | bg               |
| Bahrain                                      | bh               |
| Burundi                                      | bi               |
| Business                                     | biz              |
| Benin                                        | bj               |
| Bermuda                                      | bm               |
| Brunei Darussalam                            | bn               |
| Bolivia                                      | bo               |
| Brazil                                       | br               |
| Bahamas                                      | bs               |
| Bhutan                                       | bt               |
| Bouvet Island                                | bv               |
| Botswana                                     | bw               |
| Belarus                                      | by               |
| Belize                                       | bz               |
| Canada                                       | ca               |
| Catalan community                            | cat              |
| Cocos (Keeling) Islands                      | cc               |
| Central African Republic                     | cf               |
| Democratic Republic of the Congo             | cg               |
| Switzerland                                  | ch               |
| Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)                  | ci               |
| Cook Islands                                 | ck               |
| Chile                                        | cl               |
| Cameroon                                     | cm               |
| China                                        | cn               |
| Colombia                                     | co               |
| US Commercial                                | com              |
| Cooperative association                      | coop             |
| Costa Rica                                   | cr               |
| Cuba                                         | cu               |
| Cap Verde                                    | cv               |
| Christmas Island                             | cx               |
| Cyprus                                       | cy               |
| Czech Republic                               | cz               |
| Germany                                      | de               |
| Djibouti                                     | dj               |
| Denmark                                      | dk               |
| Dominica                                     | dm               |
| Dominican Republic                           | do               |
| Algeria                                      | dz               |
| Ecuador                                      | ec               |
| US Educational                               | edu              |
| Estonia                                      | ee               |
| Egypt                                        | eg               |
| Western Sahara                               | eh               |
| Eritrea                                      | er               |
| Spain                                        | es               |
| Ethiopia                                     | et               |
| European Union                               | eu               |
| Finland                                      | fi               |
| Fiji                                         | fj               |
| Falkland Islands (Malvina)                   | fk               |
| Federal State of Micronesia                  | fm               |
| Faroe Islands                                | fo               |
| France                                       | fr               |
| Gabon                                        | ga               |
| Grenada                                      | gd               |
| Georgia                                      | ge               |
| French Guiana                                | gf               |
| Guernsey                                     | gg               |
| Ghana                                        | gh               |
| Gibraltar                                    | gi               |
| Greenland                                    | gl               |
| Gambia                                       | gm               |
| Guinea                                       | gn               |
| US Government                                | gov              |
| Guadeloupe                                   | gp               |
| Equatorial Guinea                            | gq               |
| Greece                                       | gr               |
| South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | gs               |
| Guatemala                                    | gt               |
| Guam                                         | gu               |
| Guinea-Bissau                                | gw               |
| Guyana                                       | gy               |
| Hong Kong                                    | hk               |
| Heard and McDonald Islands                   | hm               |
| Honduras                                     | hn               |
| Croatia/Hrvatska                             | hr               |
| Haiti                                        | ht               |
| Hungary                                      | hu               |
| Indonesia                                    | id               |
| Ireland                                      | ie               |
| Israel                                       | il               |
| Isle of Man                                  | im               |
| India                                        | in               |
| Information                                  | info             |
| International                                | int              |
| British Indian Ocean Territory               | io               |
| Iraq                                         | iq               |
| Islamic Republic of Iran                     | ir               |
| Iceland                                      | is               |
| Italy                                        | it               |
| Jersey                                       | je               |
| Jamaica                                      | jm               |
| Jordan                                       | jo               |
| Human resource manager                       | jobs             |
| Japan                                        | jp               |
| Kenya                                        | ke               |
| Kyrgyzstan                                   | kg               |
| Cambodia                                     | kh               |
| Kiribati                                     | ki               |
| Comoros                                      | km               |
| Saint Kitts and Nevis                        | kn               |
| Democratic People's Republic Korea           | kp               |
| Republic of Korea                            | kr               |
| Kuwait                                       | kw               |
| Cayman Islands                               | ky               |
| Kazakhstan                                   | kz               |
| Lao People's Democratic Republic             | la               |
| Lebanon                                      | lb               |
| Saint Lucia                                  | lc               |
| Liechtenstein                                | li               |
| Sri Lanka                                    | lk               |
| Liberia                                      | lr               |
| Lesotho                                      | ls               |
| Lithuania                                    | lt               |
| Luxembourg                                   | lu               |
| Latvia                                       | lv               |
| Libyan Arab Jamahiriya                       | ly               |
| Morocco                                      | ma               |
| Monaco                                       | mc               |
| Republic of Moldova                          | md               |
| Montenegro                                   | me               |
| Madagascar                                   | mg               |
| Marshall Islands                             | mh               |
| US Military                                  | mil              |
| Former Yugoslav Republic Macedonia           | mk               |
| Mali                                         | ml               |
| Myanmar                                      | mm               |
| Mongolia                                     | mn               |
| Macau                                        | mo               |
| Mobile provider                              | mobi             |
| Northern Mariana Islands                     | mp               |
| Martinique                                   | mq               |
| Mauritania                                   | mr               |
| Montserrat                                   | ms               |
| Malta                                        | mt               |
| Mauritius                                    | mu               |
| Museum                                       | museum           |
| Maldives                                     | mv               |
| Malawi                                       | mw               |
| Mexico                                       | mx               |
| Malaysia                                     | my               |
| Mozambique                                   | mz               |
| Namibia                                      | na               |
| Individual                                   | name             |
| Nato field                                   | nato             |
| New Caledonia                                | nc               |
| Niger                                        | ne               |
| Network provider                             | net              |
| Norfolk Island                               | nf               |
| Nigeria                                      | ng               |
| Nicaragua                                    | ni               |
| Netherlands                                  | nl               |
| Norway                                       | no               |
| Nepal                                        | np               |
| Nauru                                        | nr               |
| Niue                                         | nu               |
| New Zealand (Aotearoa)                       | nz               |
| Oman                                         | om               |
| Non-Profit Organization                      | org              |
| Panama                                       | pa               |
| Peru                                         | pe               |
| French Polynesia                             | pf               |
| Papua New Guinea                             | pg               |
| Philippines                                  | ph               |
| Pakistan                                     | pk               |
| Poland                                       | pl               |
| St. Pierre and Miquelon                      | pm               |
| Pitcairn Island                              | pn               |
| Puerto Rico                                  | pr               |
| Credentialed professional                    | pro              |
| Palestinian Territories                      | ps               |
| Portugal                                     | pt               |
| Palau                                        | pw               |
| Paraguay                                     | py               |
| Qatar                                        | qa               |
| Reunion Island                               | re               |
| Romania                                      | ro               |
| Serbia                                       | rs               |
| Russian Federation                           | ru               |
| Rwanda                                       | rw               |
| Saudi Arabia                                 | sa               |
| Solomon Islands                              | sb               |
| Seychelles                                   | sc               |
| Sudan                                        | sd               |
| Sweden                                       | se               |
| Singapore                                    | sg               |
| St. Helena                                   | sh               |
| Slovenia                                     | si               |
| Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands               | sj               |
| Slovak Republic                              | sk               |
| Sierra Leone                                 | sl               |
| San Marino                                   | sm               |
| Senegal                                      | sn               |
| Somalia                                      | so               |
| Suriname                                     | sr               |
| Sao Tome and Principe                        | st               |
| (Former) Soviet Union                        | su               |
| El Salvador                                  | sv               |
| Syrian Arab Republic                         | sy               |
| Swaziland                                    | sz               |
| Turks and Caicos Islands                     | tc               |
| Chad                                         | td               |
| Telephone service                            | tel              |
| French Southern Territories                  | tf               |
| Togo                                         | tg               |
| Thailand                                     | th               |
| Tajikistan                                   | tj               |
| Tokelau                                      | tk               |
| Turkmenistan                                 | tm               |
| Tunisia                                      | tn               |
| Tonga                                        | to               |
| East Timor                                   | tp               |
| Turkey                                       | tr               |
| Travel agent                                 | travel           |
| Trinidad and Tobago                          | tt               |
| Tuvalu                                       | tv               |
| Taiwan                                       | tw               |
| Tanzania                                     | tz               |
| Ukraine                                      | ua               |
| Uganda                                       | ug               |
| United Kingdom                               | uk               |
| US Minor Outlying Islands                    | um               |
| United States                                | us               |
| Uruguay                                      | uy               |
| Uzbekistan                                   | uz               |
| Holy See (City Vatican State)                | va               |
| Saint Vincent and the Grenadines             | vc               |
| Venezuela                                    | ve               |
| Virgin Islands (British)                     | vg               |
| Virgin Islands (USA)                         | vi               |
| Vietnam                                      | vn               |
| Vanuatu                                      | vu               |
| Wallis and Futuna Islands                    | wf               |
| Western Samoa                                | ws               |
| Yemen                                        | ye               |
| Mayotte                                      | yt               |
| Former Yugoslavia                            | yu               |
| South Africa                                 | za               |
| Zambia                                       | zm               |
| Zimbabwe                                     | zw               |
And that's it for this post!

Update: take a look at a table where the tld has length greater than 2:
sa: tld-is-longer-than-2 |*> #=> is-greater-than[2] ket-length top-level-domain |_self> 
sa: table[org,top-level-domain] sort-by[top-level-domain] such-that[tld-is-longer-than-2] rel-kets[top-level-domain] |>
| org                       | top-level-domain |
| Air-transport             | aero             |
| Old style Arpanet         | arpa             |
| Asia-Pacific community    | asia             |
| Business                  | biz              |
| Catalan community         | cat              |
| US Commercial             | com              |
| Cooperative association   | coop             |
| US Educational            | edu              |
| US Government             | gov              |
| Information               | info             |
| International             | int              |
| Human resource manager    | jobs             |
| US Military               | mil              |
| Mobile provider           | mobi             |
| Museum                    | museum           |
| Individual                | name             |
| Nato field                | nato             |
| Network provider          | net              |
| Non-Profit Organization   | org              |
| Credentialed professional | pro              |
| Telephone service         | tel              |
| Travel agent              | travel           |

previous: how many movies
next: a table of integers and their factors

updated: 19/12/2016
by Garry Morrison
email: garry -at-