current weather in adelaide in sw format
So a fictional sw file that represents the current weather in my city, Adelaide.
Data is from the Bureau of Meteorology website.
|context> => |context: BOM: Adelaide: current-weather>
-- fictional source. Though maybe one day something like this will be real?
source |context: BOM: Adelaide: current-weather> => |sw-url:>
description |context: BOM: Adelaide: current-weather> => |text: "Morning shower or two">
date |context: BOM: Adelaide: current-weather> => |date: 2/12/2014>
time |context: BOM: Adelaide: current-weather> => |time: 5:15pm>
current |temperature> => |C: 25.2>
max |temperature> => |C: 29>
min |temperature> => |C: 20>
direction |wind> => |direction: south>
speed |wind> => |km/h: 6>
|rain> => |mm: 0.0>
Indeed, structurally this is quite clean. I imagine a script working with a back-end data-base could produce files like this very easily.
The harder component is coming up with applications for this information, once we have it in sw format.
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next: label descent
updated: 19/12/2016
by Garry Morrison
email: garry -at-