brief object orientated vs bko example
So, I was reading the not so great computer/programming jokes here, and one example was "this is how a programmer announces a new pregnancy":
var smallFry = new Baby();
smallFry.DueDate = new DateTime(2012,06,04);
smallFry.Sex = Sex.Male;
//TODO: fill this in: smallFry.Name = "";
this.Craving = Food.Cereal;
this.Mood = Feelings.Excited;
Hubs.Mood = this.Mood;
So, as a quick exercise, I decided to convert the same knowledge into BKO:
due-date-of |baby: smallFry> => |date: 2012-06-04>
sex-of |baby: smallFry> => |gender: male>
name-of |baby: smallFry> => |>
craving |me> => |food: cereal>
mood-of |me> => |feelings: excited>
mood-of husband-of |me> => mood-of |me>
Some notes:
1) BKO doesn't need "new SomeObject". context.learn() takes care of that if it is a ket it hasn't seen before (in this case |baby: smallFry> and |me>)
2) the BKO representation is "uniform". They all take the form of:
3) there are some interesting similarities between object oriented and bko, as should be clear from the example. Though BKO is more "dynamic". In object-orientated, if you want your objects to support new methods you have to dig into the relevant class(es). In BKO this is never an issue.
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updated: 19/12/2016
by Garry Morrison
email: garry -at-